5 Tips to Feel FABULOUS in YOUR 50’s

5 Tips to Feel FABULOUS in YOUR 50’s   If you’re around 50 and ready to stop feeling FRUMPY…then you’re in the right place! I’m a health coach who helps women over 50 how to FEEL fabulous and confident without surgeries, crazy diets or tons of supplements. The beauty and wellness market is saturated with […]

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Back on Track: The Anti-Diet Detox

Back on Track: The Anti-Diet Detox Well, it happened… I feel off track and gained weight and FEEL terrible. My clothes are tighter but, worse than that, my energy level has plummeted. Along with these rotten physical issues, my long-lost enemies GUILT and SHAME have been invading my thoughts reminiscent of my eating disorder days. […]

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The Health Benefits of Chocolate!

Health Benefits of Chocolate! Eating chocolate is the equivalent to giving ourselves a warm hug from the inside. Aside from tasting like HEAVEN, chocolate contains properties that make it actually GOOD for us. I thought I would provide some solid research to back up the fact that we actually NEED chocolate in our lives. (At […]

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Quick Stress Management Tips!

Quick Stress Management Tips! I get it. You’re busy. As of matter of fact, if I talk to you for any length of time, you’ll probably tell me HOW INCREDIBLY BUSY YOU are! For some insane reason, our culture glorifies “#8221; Personally, I think that’s silly! We wear our busy-ness like a badge of honor, […]

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Twin Cities Life Coaching is passionate about self-care. If we don't take care of ourselves first, how do we expect to care well for others in our lives?

Think of the oxygen mask in an airplane. The instructions given to you before taking flight insist that if there is a change in cabin pressure, we are to put on our own mask BEFORE we assist others with theirs.

Our hectic, over-scheduled, over-worked lives push us to meet everyone else's needs and deadlines before our own. We have it backwards and need to take an airplane oxygen mask approach instead.

Take care of yourself first, and the rest will follow.

Individual assessments

A customized plan to meet your goals

One-on-one coaching unlimited email support

Educational resources for maximum impact

Tracking tools to help you be successful
