Midlife Crisis in Women: Self-Care and Personal Empowerment for Women Over 40


Midlife Crisis in Women: Self-Care and Personal Empowerment for Women Over 40   As a women navigating the busyness of life, I often find myself dedicating much of my time and energy to caring for others at the expense of myself. Maybe you do the same thing? My family, parents, work, and friends each get […]

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I’m back. Sorta. Where I have been…

Where Have I been?   Hell. I’ve been in Hell. Okay, not exactly Hell but certainly not any place pleasant. I can’t go into details online but, suffice to say, I am cautiously moving forward with both my life and my coaching business. This is what I can share…   I am currently booking clients […]

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Top 10 Ways to Love the Life You Already Have!

Top 10 Ways to Love the Life You Already Have   You might not have the exact life you want, but there’s a good chance you can love your life MORE than you currently do. Just because your life doesn’t look like you thought it would, doesn’t mean it’s over.   It just means it’s […]

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Fear and COVID-19

Fear and COVID-19   Believe it or not, fear is our friend. This emotion has kept humans alive and functioning for thousands of years. Our ancestors successfully avoided getting eaten by predators by listening to the warning signs their brain were telling them. That warning was the emotion FEAR.   Unfortunately, in todays fast paced […]

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Twin Cities Life Coaching is passionate about self-care. If we don't take care of ourselves first, how do we expect to care well for others in our lives?

Think of the oxygen mask in an airplane. The instructions given to you before taking flight insist that if there is a change in cabin pressure, we are to put on our own mask BEFORE we assist others with theirs.

Our hectic, over-scheduled, over-worked lives push us to meet everyone else's needs and deadlines before our own. We have it backwards and need to take an airplane oxygen mask approach instead.

Take care of yourself first, and the rest will follow.

Individual assessments

A customized plan to meet your goals

One-on-one coaching unlimited email support

Educational resources for maximum impact

Tracking tools to help you be successful
