Minnesota Winter Survival Tips: Stay Happy and Healthy All Season Long


Minnesota winter tips to stay healthy and happy

Living through a Minnesota winter can feel like hibernation season, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can thrive instead of just survive. So, what can we do to make winter more bear-able? (See what I did there?)

Even when it’s tempting to snuggle up with a bag of chips and a Netflix marathon, our bodies still need light, movement, and connection to stay balanced during the dark months. Here’s how you can stay energized and beat those winter blues:

5 Minnesota Winter Survival Tips

  • Get More Light: If a sunny tropical vacation isn’t in your winter plans, consider investing in a full-spectrum light. These lamps can mimic natural sunlight, improving mood and energy levels. I personally use one every morning while sipping coffee with Kona. Here is one for under $20.
  • Enjoy the Outdoors (Safely): Bundle up and explore the snowy outdoors—but only when it’s safe. Whether it’s a brisk walk or a light jog, you’ll feel rejuvenated after getting some fresh air. And don’t forget, what feels “too cold” varies for everyone, so listen to your body.
  • Try New Activities: Winter is a great time to discover indoor and outdoor activities. Escape rooms, museums, or trying winter sports at local parks can be exciting ways to stay active and social. Stepping outside your comfort zone might just lead to a new favorite pastime!
  • Hygge It Up: Embrace the Danish concept of hygge by creating a cozy space to enjoy winter. Think candles, warm blankets, a good book, and a hot cup of cocoa. It’s all about finding comfort and joy in the little things while staying warm.
  • Start a Winter Hobby: Use the slower winter months to tackle a project or learn a new skill. I’m working on making a quilt this year—it’s the perfect wintertime activity. What hobby or project have you always wanted to try?

Find Support for a Happier Winter

If winter feels like an uphill battle, consider booking a FREE 30-minute consultation to see how life coaching can help you stay motivated, happy, and healthy until spring arrives.

Most of my clients come through personal referrals or by reading my blogs. If you found these tips helpful, please consider sharing!

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Additional Resources

Want to know more about how sunlight impacts your mood? Check out my related blog: Plan Ahead and Beat the Winter Blues.



Twin Cities Life Coaching is passionate about self-care. If we don't take care of ourselves first, how do we expect to care well for others in our lives?

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Our hectic, over-scheduled, over-worked lives push us to meet everyone else's needs and deadlines before our own. We have it backwards and need to take an airplane oxygen mask approach instead.

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