Where Have I been?


Hell. I’ve been in Hell.

Okay, not exactly Hell but certainly not any place pleasant. I can’t go into details online but, suffice to say, I am cautiously moving forward with both my life and my coaching business.
This is what I can share…


  • I am currently booking clients again. I never actually stopped… I just kind of halted if that makes any sense. I currently have a new client and I am going to see how that goes with both my time and sanity (cautious baby steps forward, you know). I am hoping Twin Cities Life Coaching can open another evening in May. I will be working as a virtual life coach which may take a little getting used to!

  • I am still working as a Life Enrichment Director with Presbyterian Homes. I am absolutely in love with all the residents, many of whom have become like friends. The job itself is a time sucker but that’s mostly my fault. I think it’s because I tend to drop my boundaries and put 200% into any new project. Probably no one is surprised by this except for me. I was absolutely flabbergasted.

  • Book Caregiving for Dementia: Tips for family caregiversI realized I have a passion for working with families who have a loved one with dementia. And since my boundaries were recklessly cast aside, I found the time to write a book with some tips for family members. I am also trying to figure out how my life coaching business could help families navigate the difficulties associated with this cruel disorder. But, for now, I am only considering the possibilities.

  • I found two new self-care activities! I enjoy building, sanding & refinishing wood projects and writing about things that I feel passionate about. These two activities have really been a lifesaver the past few Before and After Furniture Refinishingmonths. My next project is turning my front closet into a kitchen pantry! I have about 5 million pins on Pinterest and I’m pretty sure I can do it.

Anyway, does anyone know a good life coach? I’m just kidding. I am finally slowing down enough to realize that I need to take some of my own advice, so that’s what I am currently doing.

Please drop me a text and let me know how you’re all doing! I miss everyone so much.



Twin Cities Life Coaching is passionate about self-care. If we don't take care of ourselves first, how do we expect to care well for others in our lives?

Think of the oxygen mask in an airplane. The instructions given to you before taking flight insist that if there is a change in cabin pressure, we are to put on our own mask BEFORE we assist others with theirs.

Our hectic, over-scheduled, over-worked lives push us to meet everyone else's needs and deadlines before our own. We have it backwards and need to take an airplane oxygen mask approach instead.

Take care of yourself first, and the rest will follow.

Individual assessments

A customized plan to meet your goals

One-on-one coaching unlimited email support

Educational resources for maximum impact

Tracking tools to help you be successful
